Tuesday, November 8, 2011


It was so easy to get up in the morning, though when I did I had a a few take home tests to finish grading. And I left in the light. But at 2 it felt like 3 and at 4 it felt like 5 and I got home at 4 and it was practically dark- twilight. But it was a pretty warm and nice day and I wished I could have stayed home and gone out and raked the millions of oak leaves in my yard (along with a few snow piles) and gotten outside into the warm beautiful day.
But, today the kids are done early and the quarter ends and that means we are 1/2 way through first semester and 1/4 of the way through the school year.
That much closer to summer. Well, I will rephrase that. That much closer to the time of year when it is not getting dark at 4:15 and when it is consistently warm on a daily basis and I can get outside and get some sun...which is what I really really miss at this time of year...
OK, travel scrap-journal pages for you. More OBX summer vacation pages. Dave is wishing he caught this BIG BIG fish, which was really plastic by the way.

He did do a bit of beach fishing with my friend Ina's male friend (at that time).

And here's a journal page which I like made with blue check paper, some Studio 490 fish stamps, some aquamarine and blue ink for distressing the background, and Copic markers for my journaling.

This is the big fish I journaled about in the page right above, but also in this picture there is a great reflection- and no black smudgies on the page, those are light shadows from the window where I took the photo of the page.
Don't know about you, but I am starting to think Christmas. Not decorate my house or buy my tree...though I have done a bit of holiday shopping...but it is Christmas craft season-or almost. Think I will do a December daily album which is Allie Edward's brainchild, but mine is going to start of Thanksgiving weekend and go to New Years, and maybe a bit more journalistic. I did do one a few years back that was scrap bookish and I did do an advent calander style book one year.  I also am serious thinking about my travel journal for February when we go to Arizona to escape winter for a few days. I know MaryAnn Moss in her Dispatch from LA blog makes cool journals...thinking about if I want to come home and scrap photos (like my OBX travel journal above) or just put photos into my journal. The travel books I usually do are board books and I don't come home and add my photos to them. Would I like that method?That is what I need to decide...but I like the journal idea because it would be something new and different to try...love trying new things. I really do.
Or I could use the Smash journal I bought as the base....somehow, it doesn't feel super personal to me to do that though.
Enough about thoughts in my head.
4:45 and the red sky at night is here.
I will leave you with this is the view off my deck yesterday morning when I was on my way upstairs to get dressed after breakfast, just past 6 a.m., I love the light blue sky against the black trees....
Have a great Tuesday!

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