Friday, December 2, 2011

10 Things Friday

1- Tomorrow is the Craft Show, my first. I have been hyper focusing on it...but mostly because when I am not prepared...I get a bit stressed about things. But feeling good about it now. Hopefully it will be successful and I can clear out some things and maybe even get a bit of cash.
2- I've watched a lot of old movies this week while working on organizing my craftshow  materials-White Christmas, Casablanca, Holiday Inn. I really like old movies.
3-Still need to put up the rest of my holiday decorations. We did get our tree up this past Sunday. Maybe if I have any ambition I'll put them up on Sunday. Or maybe not.
4-This Sunday I am have a total down day. I am going to hang out in the pjs and play in the studio and sleep and do nothing! I need a down day since I haven't had one for a bit and I need to recharge before another week of holiday and life business kicks in. I don't want to be running so low that I actually crash.
5-This week I actually more or less caught up at work...until I give 2 tests today and collect work...the pile will return...but I feel mentally more on top of things and a bit more relaxed...and that is good.
6- Can you believe it is December? Already? This year has flown.
7-I am really feeling the holiday spirit...I want to make some more holiday cards and holiday crafts. I have pulled out the holiday music. I want to bake some cookies.
8- I started my holiday 2011 is going from Thanksgiving until New Years. I am having a blast making it.
9-I have a couple of packages coming either today or tomorrow...some Black Friday purchases. I love getting packages in the's like Christmas. One of my packages is a stamp grab box from Frantic Stamper. I love grab boxes because it is a suprise inside. I always seem to find a use for what I get too...if not, I'll put them up on eBay.
10-Some fun holiday foods have come out. Trader Joe's make this British Toffee...I LOVE it! And they also make this vanilla tea, chocolate covered pepermint Joe-Joe cookies (to die for). Maybe this weekend I'll make some holiday fruit bread-German Stollen. I love making bread, but you have to be in a down mode to do it. It is a good stay at home day kind of project...

That's it for this Friday on the list.
So here's a card for you.

I started with this deep red cardstock and I added the left hand strip of green cardstock. I stamped the patridge in a pear tree image (Stampington) on this lightly printed paper and then colored it with Copics and a gold pen. I attached the image and then used red cloth ribbon, but I ran it over the corners almost like a gift ribbon...and it love how that came out.  Finally, a few red Viva dimensional paint dots.

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