Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Highlights of 2011

Here's some high points from this we wrap up 2011, it is a kind of catharsis, a way to let go of the old year...always a little sad I think...letting go of a year and moving forward. Well, maybe more scarey.
Will it be snowy or not? School, delay or snow day?

our owl

winter roadtrips to break it up
cool icicles


an early but short lived spring thaw
Dave and I had tickets to sit in the Maine section, and it was the best hockey game ever-though we lost in the last 15 seconds when UNH scored to change the score to UNH4/Maine3. It was crushing...but a fantastic game!

Off to Death Valley
What is this some kind of early April's fool joke? They are saying a BIG snowstorm tonight and tomorrow! A big snowstorm? Winter is suppose to be over, isn't it? I hate these cruel springs...the kind that can't quite fight off the last hold of winter

I made so many pans of date nut bars once we got home from California/Nevada
Working on my French some more.
new boots and beach walks
winter didn't let go
And we had a great trip to Death Valley and Nevada
spring blooms and opening up the screen porch
last snows on those blooms

mud season is official
a relaxing week off
a new jet ski

Seems I have computer virus-ugh! Luckily work has given me an iPad although I have no photos on it to share. This may take a bit before I'm squared away-grumble grumble groan and snarl! Hopefully will be back soon!
Gardening is a big past time


This is the first time in forever the Bruins are playing for the Stanley Cup, and they lost in the last 19 seconds the other night. It would be great for them to win tonight...bring home the cup to Boston.
Then today is my annual trek to Center Harbour, New Hampshire to go to the Keepsake's Quilting sale...Keepsake's Quilting is a HUGE quilt store with a giant mail order business...they also have a nice big yarn storm (Pattern Works) too.

Boats in the water and we're off on a few boating trips
Hey everybody, today is my last day of school (well work) for the summer. You think the kids get excited about summer vacation? I think the teachers are just as excited.


Boating and fishing
My laptop died a couple of months ago and now Dave's is acting up

OBX vacation

Days at the lakes

reading on relaxing on the screen porch


Baking and making yummy things from my garden

boating and watching the airshow from the boat

picking blueberries
mushrooms everywhere
knitting and reading at the "lake" or the screenporch
more boating
It's the official start of the work year for me!
Hurricane Irene
weather cools off a bit
fall road trips

Apple picking
the Cape
last boating adventure

first snow

first BIG snowstorm

and birthdays

Tonight Maine takes on New Hampshire...a huge rivalry game. I am of course rooting for the better team...Go Maine!


Last bloom of the year



Oh Christmas tree!

Studio time

The  year of trying different chili recipes

baking and cooking


It is FUN to see where you've been over the year. How far you have traveled in 12 months. Full circle seasonally too. Every year is an adventure and hopefully 2012 will be a great one for me-and you too!
Tomorrow we'll do the 2012 bucket list....yes...another list.

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