Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Last Night

I wanted to get home earlier from work and I wanted to do a few things but I got out late and my friend from NC called me on the way home and before I knew it, it was 5:30. And by 5:30 it is dark and it feels so late and even though it isn't late...in my head... to the gal who needed to stay home and do those catch up chores and who wanted to be in the studio all day...it is late. Like practically bed time feels like.
But I still had a full evening and made an easy-peasy dinner so it wasn't all lost.
Oh well, it is Tuesday. And one more whine (because it does make you feel better) my stack of grading has returned at work and I've got to put the brakes on so I can catch up. Don't know if that will happen today.
But it is ok to be just a little bit behind.
But it helped I got up earlier than usual and finished one set of tests...you do feel a huge amount of relief when you finish...knowing it makes your day a bit easier, but it is hard to get up early. I'll be tired tonight I'm sure...since it is suppose to be a cloudy showery day on top of it.
And it is ok all my holiday decorations aren't up yet (it is only Dec.6th).
Maybe today I can get home when I want to and do a few of those to do list items.
On my happy side...here's a tapestry sort-of card that I made. I used cranberry colored cardstock and this red floral paper. I used green cardstock to punch out the pine branch edging (Martha Stewart)-I outlined the left edge of that with gold pen and I added some red ribbon with gold threads running it. The center stamp is from Stamp It of Australia...my fav. craft store had a few of these last year which I picked up. Haven't seen them since. Anyhow, I stamped the image twice-first directly on the card (for those 2 top and bottom little flourishes) and the I stamped it once on white paper, which I colored with Copics and cut out and attached. Finally, a few Viva dimensional dots in the corners of the flowered paper. I like it-it looks even richer in person than it does in this photo.
So have a great Tuesday,
and remember
it is OK if not everything you wanted to do doesn't get done.

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