Saturday, December 10, 2011

Life is BUSY

I'd love to be playing along with Tim Holtz's 12 tag of Christmas, and I do plan to make some...but life is busy when you work full time and have a million other things on your agenda...this morning I am making a yummy squash lasagna for my department holiday party tonight and I need to clean-desperately!!!!!! and have a few more Christmas decorations to put up. Today most likely won't be a studio day, but I want my house a bit less dirty and messy than I do want studio time. And last night after work I went a did a bit more holiday shopping and then last night we had 2 episodes of Pillars of the Earth to watch. Have you seen it? Its good, not as good as the book was but I am enjoying it.
So here's a card for today...I used a Flourishes Rubber Stamps set for the snowglobe...I am fairly new to Flourishes, but my fav Carft Store had some Christmas ones I bought the Santa face set. Love it- and then discovered that they were having their entire store 25% over Thanksgiving weekend so I bought a few more sets, including this FUN snowglobe set. You get a globe and 3 holiday images for inside.
The set is called Joy is in the Air.

So to make this card I used some green carstock for my base, some printed paper and some distressed white paper. The make the snowglobe I stamped the globe and the scene (a great gingerbread much fun) onto white paper. I colored the wooded base for the globe and cut it out, ignoring the glass dome. Then I colored the scene and punched it out in with a 2 inche circle punch. Then I stamped the snowglobe image on clear acetate and cut out just the glass globe. I then assembled the inside part of the snowglobe on the card and on the inside of the acetate (not yet glued down) I put white with silver Stickles glue sparkles. Let that part dry. Once dry, I attached that to the top of the snowglobe and it looks cool. Thinking of all kinds of things I could do like use acetate and use clear glitter so you could make a shaker card....
Then I added a piece of Cavallinni and Co. Christmas paper tape and some green Viva dots...then once dry I outlined the papers with green Sharpie
Check out this company at
So hope you have a fun Saturday and do something a little holiday-ish if that is your custom...

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