Friday, December 30, 2011

Ok-working more on my 2012 Bucket List

Instead of a ten things Friday list this week, I will continue to work on and rework my goal list/bucket list/wish list for next year
2011 2012WISH list!

1- Practice my French some more-did it but still want to do more
2-Make ice cream and more types of chili
3-Get my studio clean and organized-did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4-Clean out under the cellar stairs and get the junk there organized
5-Catch up on my reading
6-Knit a WHOLE sweater
7-Go to the Isles of Shoals
8- Visit the Victoria and Albert Museum in London
9-Learn to use Encaustic Paints
10-Go for 1 whole month without buying any art supplies
11-See Death Valley  did it!!!!!!
12-Go to Canada'a Atlantic Provinces
13-Go dancing with my honey
14-Grow pumpkins in my garden
15-Pick rhubard from my garden and make a strawberry rhubard pie
16-Watch the entire 2 seasons we have of True Blood in one day -and see Season 3  did it!!!!!!!!
17- Go camping again
18-Finish my summer vacation 2009 scrapbook did it!!!!!
19-Make more textile art-can always do it
20-Do a piece of embroidery
21-Pay off those nagging little credit card balances
22-Get a new Apple computer-don't want one now
23-Keep a visual journal more regulary
24-Knit an Aran sweater -but did several hats in a fair isle style
25-Knit Norwegian style socks or mittens
26-Exercise more
27- Replant dill in my garden this year
28-take a class about something I am totally unfamilar with
29-reread the other Jane Austin novels I haven't read in decades
30-be more patient and forgiving with my mom
31- find the box of vintage honeymoon emphemera my mom gave me and make a vintage travel book
32-Take a roadtrip all by myself
33-Eat a fried twinky or fried candy bar
34-Go back to the very northern area of NH where I used to vacation as a kid with my family
35-Go to Montreal
36-Drive across the USA
37-Visit my friends in North Carolina   did this
38-See a hummingbird nest with the eggs in it
39-Get more stamps in my National Park Passbook-did it and want more for this year
40-Be brave and become a paid artist--did it-with my first craftshow but want to do more
41-Make cool jewelry using all the metal clay pendants I've made
42-Walk to beach more
43-Get into the sunshine more
44-Take a few more hookey days from work-without the guilt
45-Take one of those DNA tests that tell you where in the world your family roots are from
46-Read a book on my new iPad
47-Swear less
47-Don't waste so much time playing around on the internet
48-Eat more vegitarian
49-Eat at at least 1 restaurant I've wanted to try but haven't yet
50-Be a tourist in my home area
51- Watch a sunrise from the top of Cadillac Mountain,Maine
52-Kayak Merrymeeting Marsh-did kayak the lake in 2012
53-See the ghost at the Portsmouth Lighthouse when we go by in the boat
54-Get a new carpet for my bedroom
55-see life with my heart not my head
56-conquer 1 fear
57-wish on a shooting star
58-add at least 1 new state to my get to all 50 states wish list
59-do something "not me" just to try it (something I would say no to, just do it)-taje advantage of one of those not so sure about opportunities
60-sit in the moonlight and listen to a beautiful song
61-Reread Great Expectations (its still sitting on my night stand)-started it
62-Have a great veggie garden
63-keep the piles of books from building up on my coffee table-ha-ha-ha
64-spend lots of time with friends and family
65-call my "old" college friends more frequently
66- visit my college UMO and get a new t shirt-did the t shirt part
67-read a few books on my to read list-did it
68-discover more photos to take in my home area
69-eat chocolate and not feel guilty about it
70-and exercise more since I'll be eating chocolate
1-work on a sense of continual inner peace

2-work on my relationship with my mom
3-keep moving and exercising so I feel good
4-read more frequently... I've gotten behind this past fall-and I think need to find joy in it again-I get so distracted by the internet and tv and other things
5-learn new art skills and try new art projects -work on being a professional artist not an occasional crafter-but accept my time limits and cash flow limits-but I want to do a few more craft shows so I want to get "supplied"
6-accept those things I cannot change and try to accept those things with grace not anger or frustration
7-try not to let the stress of work and other things in life get to me so strongely
8-try some more new recipes and have fun cooking and exploring that craft...
9-find adventure and maybe visit a new state or 2-I wish for Europe or something far and away but don't think it will be happening this year
10-finish some cleaning and organizing in my house and my big house project is to rip out my bedroom rug and put down a floor
11-push myself and not get lazy...

12-learn some new things-by being open to some new experiences
13-find my years purpose and goals...I usually let it come to me. This past year my goal was to work on my art and work on my French...which I did well with both...and this year coming up...let me see what finds me.
14-work on my French some more
15-don't let my studio get too messy and out of control since I spent so much time in 2011 getting it in shape
16-Practice patience...
17-Do more of what makes me happy
18- and be around people who help my being (heard this before? )
19-go back and find my eagles
2-watch old movies
and maybe they'll be more...
until later

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