Sunday, December 18, 2011

Saturday's Expensive Fun

Here's what I did yesterday: (photos not touched, just loaded from my iPhone)

Stock up the larder and finish my holiday shopping!!!!!!! But even though I hate spending that much cash-I am now stocked up for a while and got the last few items I needed for my mother.
Glad that is done with! But I love shopping at those 2 stores, and I went with my honey, and he and I had fun!
Then we went to the movies on the way home and saw:
Which I really enjoyed. We still need to finish unloading some things from the car this morning since by the time we got home neither Dave nor I felt like it, but then when we got home, Katie was home from work and her boyfriend Brian was here and we watched a DVD:
Which is a classic Chevy Chase funny movie...the funniest thing is I remember watching it last year- but I thought I watched it on TV so I picked  up the DVD at Costco for for $6 dollars and then I got home and Katie pulled out the DVD from our DVD stash and told me I had bought it last year-so I guess I didn't watch it on a tv channel last year. Anyhow, still a FUNNY movie. Especially the squirrel scene.
So we all laughed a lot and went to bed about midnight...and this morning I am dragging and my craftstore is having  all clear and unmounted rubber stamps 70% off which is gigantic! I want to go BUT 1) I shouldn't really spend the cash right now and 2) yesterday we drove all the way to Nashua which is over an hour from here and then we got home late and since Dave and Katie are going Christmas shopping today, I have some time home to myself and I can be in the studio-which I haven't been into for several days...
I am trying to convince myself here-as you can see.
Oh yeah-huge make me happy news- heard at Trader Joe's yesterday that they are coming to Portsmouth!!!!!
Now that is exciting news.
That was my day. I will have some art to show you tomorrow!

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