Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Success

There I am sitting and knitting, waiting for more customers at yesterday's craft fair. I learned a lot...sold a few things...I guess (since I have nothing to compare it to) it was an overall slow day for most people. I think I can call the day a success and I am very glad I did it. I know better what to plan for next year. Plus I had a good time there and really enjoyed the whole process. Glad I decided to take the risk since it was a lot of extra work at an already busy time of year.

Don't know if I showed you this card last year, when I made it, but I love this card. It is made on white cardstock. I started with green embossing powder and a Hero Arts wreath stamp. I embossed it on some red printed Martha Stewart paper and then punched out the image with a couple of circle punches and a pair of scissors. I attached it to the paper and added some pre-cut bought felt white snowflakes and added a deep dark red gemstone to the center. Finally I made a red bow and stamped the saying (Autumn Leaves I believe).
So today is a lazy Sunday-just what I wanted. I have been playing with some paper and stamps and photos in the studio for a couple of hours and I slept in and slowly I am picking up my house just a bit. Think it is about time for an afternoon nap while I watch the Grinch with Katie. She'll  heading back to school later on today.
And this week-I HOPE will be a bit quieter. Want some afterwork studio time and want to go get some shopping wrapped up...really need to work on stocking stuffers. Plus I need to get the rest of holiday decorations put out and Saturday night I have my department holiday party but other than that it should be a pretty quiet weekend too...I want to bake some cookies too...oh there are so many fun holiday activities going to work really gets in the way! LOL!
Until later.

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