Friday, January 6, 2012

10 things Friday

Back to another 10 things Friday list. Here's 10 things- right now...that pop into my head...spontaneous-my life right now...and I bet I could do more than 10 right now too.
1-It is COLD, (was 3 degrees Wednesday morning) though tomorrow it is suppose to warm up, which is GOOD since Saturday night we are going to a baseball stadium-Fenway Park in Boston- to watch Maine play New Hampshire in hockey. In the last 2 games, New Hampshire has won, but I am a MAINE fan, my almamater, at least my undergrad school (I attended UNH for grad school), and UNH is our big rival. I hope it warms up like they say it is going to (in the 40's) and that Maine wins.
2- So far, no snow on the ground...and so far when we get a bit- it turns warm and rains/melts.
But it is that could change.
3-Project Runway All-stars started last night. Love it!
4-Still trying to finish up my holiday scrap journal.
5-I am loving how my house is so picked up lately and the space you feel you gain when you take down the Christmas tree. I wish both the picked-up house and the space feeling would last, but it is a great way to start the new year.
6- With the presidential primary scheduled for next Tuesday, we are getting tons of political survey phones calls. Since I am not a big phone person, they are driving me nuts. But it is pretty cool to think our little state gets so much attention and we get so many chances to actually meet candidates here.
7- I am doing the Creative Jumpstart on-line inspiration summit and it is FANTASTIC! I'm really enjoying to see what I can be inspired by each day.
8-Still reading The Origin by Irwin Stone- it is a slow read but I am liking it...
9-Besides the hockey game Saturday, I am meeting my good friend Vicky for lunch. She leaves for New Mexico for several months next week and I can't wait to see her.
10-Last  night I went into lazy mode. We had a biology workday at school, then I stopped at Michael's to get some watercolor paper since I was out (I scrapbook on this), then I went to Barnes and Nobels and splurged and got myself a bunch of magazines including the new Scrap 365 and Craft Stamper-can't wait to check them out. Then when I got home, after Katie left for work, I made a BIG bowl of popcorn and got back to my old movies-tonight I watched Adam's Rib with Katherine Hepburn (she's a favorite of mine) and Spencer Tracey.

And here's a fun photo for you (Should I also do a fun photo Friday?)

It is the GIANT Freeport, Maine Indian. Been there for a long time, and for those of you who don't get to make a trek to Maine on occassion, you can't miss it as you head north on 295 or route 1. (Better view on route 1)

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