Tuesday, January 17, 2012

After a long weekend And Blogger's Challenge

So where did this long weekend go? It was a great weekend but somehow it didn't quite turn out like I planned. Of course who can plan their time totally. But I wanted to finish my journal-nope. I wanted to do a few more chores like vaccing upstairs and do more studio cleaning, finish reading my book...nope.  Did get to Costco and Trader Joe's though. Did have fun Saturday night at the hockey game and discovered a new place. Did sleep in. Did relax. Did talk to my former college roomate who've I been meaning to call forever. Did a get a bunch done of my travel journal. What more should I ask for? Does that mean my weekend wasn't as successful as I wanted? Part of me feels that way and I am trying to get past the lack of check-offs on my mental goal list...it is Monday evening and I am feeling rather like I wasted a lot of the weekend...when I didn't...I think my goals were just too unrealistic. Simple as that.
Isn't is so true that often weekends/vacations never are as long as you think they're going to be, even when you know they always fly by? There's rarely the perfectly balanced weekend.  But it was still a good weekend-even though I'm not totally satisfied in my head because I had this stupid will finish list ...cuz that's all it is...the feeling of unfinishedness in my head.

So here's some more fun pages from my holiday journal. This one came out really different than my ususal, but it was so much fun to make because it is so different. I used a new years Autumn Leaves stamp first and colored it with some watercolor crayons. Then I stamped the January word (Hero Arts) all over the page and I colored with background with 2 different colored inkpads. Then I added a large die cut #1 (Sizzix) and some October Afternoon stickers in it. And I die cut the little pennant and then connected them with some black sharpie...added the black line edges...the words....

And here's my sleep in page. The little alarm clock photo and the October Afternoon stickers. I stamped the words (Technique Tuesday) all over the page and added a little black ink smoke from the chimneys.
I'm also using this page on Blogger's Challenge!!!!!!

How about this funky page. An old PSX stamp all over the background in green...some doodled and colored words...some ink distressing the background...and I took an October Afternoon saying and clipped it into pieces and put it down and then I stamped the car (Cornish Heritage Farm) and isn't it a great car?

Here's my handsome guy. I used this cool Martha Stewart paper, some die cut hearts, some 7Gypsies paper tape and some red October Afternoon trim, and this glittery cool little buckle from my stash that came from who knows where...

And finally, paws. My baby-boy Harley's paws. I started by putting down the red striped paper scrap and then used a black fine point Sharpie to scribble the doodles, added some 7Gypsies tape, some die cut hearts which I colored...added some pawprint stamps (some old Elsie Flannigan stamps), added a black slide edge and a little metal woof charm, a few little heart stickers...
That's today's art...thanks for stopping by to check it out.

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