Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Back to work yesterday...which started out smooth and turned into, just as I expected, a kind of crazy day. I love my job, but it is weird. Some days it completely consuming and some days you just float through with minimal effort. Yesterday wasn't the far point of the consuming end of spectrum, but the meter was pointing down in that direction. But I love those kids and it goes with the terrritory.
That brings me to my word of the year-Equilibrium.
1. a state of rest or balance due to the equal action of opposing forces.
2. equal balance between any powers, influences, etc.; equality of effect.
3. mental or emotional balance; equanimity: The pressures of the situation caused her to lose her equilibrium.
4. Chemistry . the condition existing when a chemical reaction and its reverse reaction proceed at equal rates.
I think all 4 of these refers to me and what I need right now...maybe not what I need, but what I crave at times and what I want to keep when I have it.
I need more equilibrium between my teaching work and my studio work.
That is the first part of my word I need to work on.

It got cold yesterday also-we've gotten spoiled here with our mild winter temperatures-40's here a balmy day in January. Last night it was FREEZING.  But Dave beat me home since I was out geting beautiful at the hairdresser and he had the woodstove blazing when I got home.
Got my temperature equilibrium back.
Love it!

So today's card is one I made for my daughter last fall-when she went back to school. I started by using a Crafter's Workshop brick template and some red paint directly on the pink cardstock.
I die cut an oval on some printed cardstock and drew an edge with a brown Copic marker. On some white paper I stamped the school (Cornish Heritage Farm/Kim Hughes) and colored in the open parts, then attached it to the oval and attached that to the card. I added a bit of baker's twine and I stamped the wildcat/bobcat on white paper -I then cut it out and attached it to the card. Finally I made the hanging sign (Paper Smooches) and a small rectangular plain sign, and wrote in the words.

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