Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

Can you believe it is 2012!
Did you all have a nice celebration last night? Dave and I went out for a late lunch with Katie and then he and I went to see Mission Impossible-which was entertaining. Then we came home, had a fire in the fireplace and some snack food for dinner and finished John Adams. I did make it until after 12 though, watchign some tv, but Dave didn't quite do it. It was a quiet New Years for us-since Katie was out- but I was really ok with that. Right now I am just in a no-fuss place.
2011 was a good year-but I'm not too sad to see it go-I am ready to start fresh! I'm always a little scared of starting a new year though-one never knows what a year will bring. My hope-few car repairs, no expensive dentistry, some good travels, lots of smiles and laughs, and everyone I love stays in good health. And being happy. Content. At peace with what you have.
Its also sad to take down the holiday decorations- which I did most of them last night-except the tree which shall get done today. My holiday decorations are full of memories, and even though I am ready to leave last year behind, its sad to think it will be another 11 months before those memory making items come out of their boxes again.
I do like Christmas and all the decorations that come with it.
But there is so much to look forward to before another holiday season comes around again.
And I do love how big the house feels once everything is down and put away.
Anyhow, enough of me being analytical and sentimental.
What you need to see is some new art.
Here's a fresh card with a sentiment that seems to be appropriate for January 1. I made this card by starting with  coral colored cardstock. I added a strip of yellow paper and some printed paper that I punched out with a Martha Stewart punch. Then I punched a circle. This was from a sheet that I had originally stamped with yellow paint on a big foam polka dot stamp. Then I stamped some purple flowers that I colored with watercolor markers and also part of a saying. The flowers are from Hero Arts and the saying is from a 7Gypsies Venice stamp.  I like the complexity of the image in the circle. I outlined the circle with black Sharpie too. Finally I stamped the saying (Dylusions/Stampers Anonymous) and I cut out the words and attached them.
So hope your new year starts out on a really good foot.
More another time.

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