Tuesday, January 31, 2012

It's not March?

Yesterday it felt like March. A little breeze, a bit chilly, patches of snow but not a lot, more sunshine than I expected since it was flurrying when I left the house.
But alas, nature is teasing us BIG TIME this winter here in New Hampshire. The only big storm we had was Halloween weekend, and we've had lots of small things, but then it gets warm or rains and it vanishes, or turns to ice. No ice on the lakes and ponds since it hasn't stayed cold long enough for them to freeze over. And not great skiing as it is kind of icey...nor snowmobileing...
But it is the LAST day of January, 2012.
This month flew by.
So thought I would share with you a few photos from the beach the other day-got to play with my Christmas present lens a little bit more, and it was the perfect day to walk the beach.
I love the colors here...and the textures....nature is so amazing isn't it?
These empty shells look like they're going to offer up a pearl.
My walking buddies on the beach, I'm surprised Mr. Puppy Dog Harley is getting his feet wet as he HATES water-but loves running on the beach so much!

As you can see here!
If you stop by and like my photos, leave me a comment. I'd love to hear from you.
Hope you have a great day!

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