Sunday, January 15, 2012

Thoughts of the future

It has been a VERY VERY cold Sunday here in New the single digits during the day with wind-brrrr. Dave's been watching football all day, including last night's Pat's game which we missed and recorded and both watched this morning. Last night we went to the Merimac-Maine hockey game at Merrimac College in Massachusetts. Was a good hockey game-went into overtime and except for the goal Maine scored with 27 seconds left that the refs said came after the whistle...and we think came before the whistle...was a fun night out. We went with Dave's older sister and her hubby and then went out to the Alehouse for dinner in Amesbury, MA which was a new place for me. Great beer menu...was fun trying some different brews. FUN.
So back to today...worked on my holiday journal...didn't quite finish and am a bit mad at myself about that but was more in a cleaning mood and I did some picking up in the studio...but wanted to finish...maybe that was an over-reaching goal for the afternoon. Still, kind of works on your psyche... I need get rid of that goal oriented point of view right now. I did spend 2 hours on the phone with my college roomate Lorrie whom I haven't spoken with for ever-which was fantastic...and otherwise I've been kind of lazy and dragging...
So yesterday besides the hockey game we went to Costco and Trader Joe's, but before that I started assembleling my travel journal for our Feb. trip to Tuscon. I am using a different format this time...usually I like a blank board book  but I found this fun mini-notebook & supplies at Staples  so I am going to try them. Why not? I also found a few cardboard bingo pages and some 7Gypsie small paper pages at my fav. craft can see that in my assortment of pages on the table here-

I had to punch everything to fit my little red notebook. But I am so happy with how it worked out.
Here's a few more photos.

Hope you're warm and enjoying your weekend too.

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