Sunday, January 8, 2012


I bet you can't guess the game results...Maine won 5-4 in Overtime.
Here's a very happy fan!
What a great night last night was. First of all the Frozen Fenway was 2 hockey east college games- first UMASSachuusetts (Amherst) vs University of Vermont and then University of New Hampshire vs  the University of Maine. They sold a total of a little more than 38,000 tickets for this series (as they flashed on the screen), and I think most of the people were Maine, UNH people although there were a lot for the other game. Our tickets were good for both games-we saw the end of the first game and of course, stayed for ours. It was awesome seeing people walk around in all their school gear. Of course UNH and Maine is a rivalry game so it is HUGE- and Maine lost the last 2 times they met UNH so we needed this win. All the cheering and booing of the crowds during this game was great. I have hardly any voice left.  I can you that when your team loses to UNH it is only a hockey game but when you beat UNH at Frozen Fenway in overtime it's fantastic! Especially when you ride home with the 2 UNH fans (Katie and Brian).
Plus- it never got below 50 degrees last-in Boston in January!!!!!! I didn't put my coat on until the end of the sceond period.

end of the second period score
the fans
flag over the famous green monster wall at Fenway during the game opening

the ice, not the greatest view we've ever had at a hockey game- but the big tv was fantastic.
So after the game all the Maine people were high-fiving and cheering.. the game started late so it didn't end until going on 11 and on our 2 hour drive home we stopped at Sonic on route 1 for a snack and the lot was full of Maine and UNH cars and people were still yelling go Maine and waving...
I am still floating on good vibes if you can't tell.
And next Saturday we go see Maine play Merrimac College at Merrimac- that will be a tough game since Merrimac is doing so well but hopefully Maine will still be on a strong playing roll.
Thanks for visiting!

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