Friday, February 3, 2012

10 Things Friday

Here's another edition of me babbling on about what's on my mind and what's going on in my life...right now...
1- All I can say is that I am TIRED of bad morning drives to work. I know, I know, still 2 more months when I can expect to have them too!
2-This has been trip planning week-for both my upcoming trip to Arizona in  a few weeks and this summer when we go on a longer more northern adventure.
3- And speaking of planning, 3 weeks left to work before break- when you get to this point you start planning your lessons to wrap up by break. At 3 weeks you can start to see the light on the horizon-you know, lets try to squeeze this in -3 weeks to cover it, be able to finish up and give a test before we go so we can start a fresh unit when the kids come back after break. Before we get to that 3 week point I just can't see it coming nor plan my lessons around it.
4-I want to moan some more, (sorry), but I hate coming home and having to shovel off the deck. The evening is already short enough as it is. The problem with snow is that it is an awful lot of extra work.
5- I got a big Costco sized bag of peanut M & M's for Christmas and I have been munching on them all week. Naughty, naughty me.
6- Superbowl is Sunday! Go Pats. Beat the Giants. We're going to some friends here in town for dinner and the game, but I think Katie is a bit miffed since she wanted to  watch the game with us at home. Well actually, she wasn't so sure-she said she might have stayed for the whole game but I bet she would have left  to drive back to school, so that's really not a reason for us to say no to our friends and stay home...but I feel bad like I let her down since we  got the call and agreed to go out after she told us she wanted to stay home and watch the game, but she can come to the friends with us which she will. I think she's starting to realize that since she left for school we have become more socially active, you know, you're parents are people and actually have a life without you.
7- Been enjoying looking at the crafter's blogs of their CHA experiences and the previews of all the new goodies coming out. Some cool dies, and I love the postal collection 7Gypsies has previewed. I would to have gone...maybe I need to open my own shop some day or start my own product line....the product line is kind of a dream of mine....or an interesting idea.
8- New classes are going fantastic so far and I am really enjoying my kids/classes right now.
9-  I am glad it is Friday. Not that this was a long week, but it was super busy and I am ready for some DOWN time. Plus Katie's coming home and I am excited about that.
10- So this week at work we voted on a contract extension which passed-it was a 1 year extension. BUT, it meant our pay became frozen once it passed, and since it did, my pay just froze. So for the next 2 school years no pay increase, which in this economy, is going to make it tough...already feel like us midle-classers are getting further and further behind...

That's my 10 things right now list for this week.

And for photo Friday- in honor of Valentine's Day which is coming up in 11 more days. Took these while playing with my new lens.

Thanks for visiting.

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