Thursday, February 9, 2012


I love this heart doiley stamp from Hero Arts. Here it is shown stamped with Versamark and then embossed with some red/gold mixed powder. I cut the heart out of the white paper I made it on and then attached it to my heart page which is sprayed with some Tattered Angels and stamped in Mango with a PostModern Design clock stamp. I added this sprig of white silk flowers and I added a Viav Paint Pen dot in red to the middle of each.
Here's the whole page...You can see I also added some pink heart paper tape (Martha Stewart) and added a stamped saying (Technique Tuesday/Allie Edwards).
So yesterday after work I took a trip to my fav craft store...had a $20 coupon I needed to spend by the end of the month and who can waste a $20 coupon? Next week I have 2 nights out with Open House at school and book club and then it's the week before we go away-and there's always so much to do then, so figured I better go and spend that coupon. Plus, on top of all that, this is New Hampshire and even though we've had a pretty snow free winter it is still February and you just never know if a BIG storm might come along. It would be a catastrophe if I missed out on a chance to spend a coupon.
Got myself some cool October Afternoon 8x8 paper from their Sasparilla line...hopefully can use it when I get home from Arizona in my scrapbooking post-trip fun. I love their paper. Also got a new Magenta stamp, some purple ink, a new Viva paint pen in red (use those so much my red is just about empty) and 2 white journaling pens. Was fun, but then shopping for supplies always is.
Been working on photo shopping photos from last winter's trip to Death I can scrap them. I actually LOVED Death Valley and that trip-all  that wide open space and all fantastic views. I hope I love Southern Arizona as much.
So today my Dad would have been 88 years old.

Here he is when he was just a boy. I think about him a lot but right now I am missing him so much. I think it is looking at him closely in this old photo.
He and I were a lot alike in many ways and it was always great to talk with him.
That's what I miss. He always liked to hear my stories and look at my scrapbooks and photos.
Happy Birthday Dad. Hope you are celebrating in style up there in the great big fishing spot in heaven.
Have a fantastic day and thanks for taking a bit of your time to visit my blog.

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