Saturday, February 11, 2012

Lots on the Docket

Busy day ahead, study abroad meeting for Katie, BIG hockey game in Lowell, MA tonight-keep your fingers crossed Maine wins because it's getting towards the end of the season and we want a home arena advantage for the Hockey East quarter finals. Hoping to hit Trader Joe's in the middle of those 2 events...I desperately need to stock up.
And it is getting COLD- we've become spoiled with this mild winter weather.
Tomorrow we shouldn't even hit 20 degrees and I am not going to leave the house. Luckily I don't have to since it is Sunday, the perfect day to lounge in fleece sweats and my grungy sweatshirt ALL DAY!
So anyhow, here's
a bit of "love"ly "he"art to share with you.

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