Friday, March 23, 2012

10 Things Friday

1- It has been a  gorgeous week weather wise. The longest nicest stretches I remember ever having in March. We've had several  days since Sunday when it hit at last 75-even in the low 80's. Feels like summer!!!! (Thought they say it is going to cool off and go back to the 50's...but I will take that and we'll see when it gets warm again.)
2-Of course at school the seniors have gotten a very early senioritis. Eeks. And the other kids just want to go outside. I'm kind of sick being asked. I do love this but would like to get a little more spring like productive weather.
3-Dave's been working lots and lots of hours lately-this is always his BUSY time of year. I have most evenings alone until at least 8 if not 9 p.m. and so I seem to be getting all these things done. Not that it is his fault that I don't accomplish so much when he is home, but I chose to spend time with him. I worry about him working so much though-it just wears him out.
4- BIG hockey game this Saturday, tomorrow. We're going to the NCAA playoff in Worcester, MA to see Maine play Minnesota State. I am so excited!!!!!! GO MAINE!!!!  7:30 Saturday night the big game starts and I am going to be there-what luck that Maine was sent to play there and not Bridgeport, CT, Greenbay, WI or St. Paul. MN.
5- This is it for going to hockey games for this season since if Maine makes the frozen four it is in Tampa, Florida and we're not going to Florida.
6- I am taking a personal day on Monday and I am so excited about that too. If Maine wins Saturday night we play again Sunday-and we have a 3 game ticket, so we'll be back in Worcester for an 8 pm game, and this seems to be the perfect reason to take a personal day on Monday. Maybe I will work on some fabric art on Monday when I hang home in my sweatpants all day.
So excited about having a day home, even if we don't have a hockey game on Sunday night-and that would be sad!
7- Taking Tim Holt'z first on-line class-Creative Chemistry. It is fantastic. Learning a lot.  Enjoying what I am learning. Glad I signed up!
8-Talk about not being able to get up in the morning! Can't wait until tomorrow to sleep in. With the longer nights, it is hard to go to bed at night too.
9- With it warm, I want ice cream!!! Craving it actually. But have been eating pretty good this week. Promised Katie though tonight we would go to our local seafood place for some seafood and one of their gigantic  desserts tonight.
10-With the warmth, it seems like hockey fever wanes a bit. Isn't it beach weather? Wait a minute, it is only March. Waiting to hear when the big lake has ice out-2 years ago it was March 24th, last year not until April 19th.....I suspect this year it will be very very soon as when you look at all the web-cams you see a lot of open water. They say it's just the north end of the lake that still has some ice....
ADDED-ice went out today-earliest on record since the late 1800's.
And we have spring peepers, already!

And here's a few photos for Friday:
Buds on the trees...getting pretty big in this warm weather.

Anyhow, have a great Friday!!!!

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