Friday, March 30, 2012

10 Things Friday

Here is my latest installment!!!
1- Missed my internet this week. It went out around noon and Monday. Hopefully the box will be at my door this afternoon and by tonight I will be back on!
2- No hockey this weekend. Very weird! Having hockey withdrawels too.
3- Must do some grading-which I hate doing on the weekend. Mid-terms are on Tuesday and Wednesday next week-which means we then move into 4th quarter-the last of the year. This half of the year always goes SOOOOO fast.
4-Sunday is April 1!!!!!!!!! This half of the year always goes so fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And that is NOT an April's Fool Joke.
5-It is exciting at this time of year though. Longer days- often warmer days (though not this past week)-things are greening up, birds are chirping, spring peepers are chirping-on warmer days, bugs are buzzing around...just love it!
6-Got my car registered and inspected for the year! All finished and this eyar it was painless. I love (yeah-right) how the State of New Hampshire says happy birthday- you need to get pay us to get your car registered and inspected. Glad it is done with though and I am running around at the last minute. (You have 10 days into the next month to get inspected but not registered).
Also got my snowtires off...which I am really glad to get my dash board sensors back.
7-Next weekend is Easter (4/8). That is another one of those spring things. Now we just need it a bit warmer.
8-I have missed the whole second week of Creative Chemistry!!! EEK!!!!!!! I was really enjoying my daily dose of learning, but guess that is also on this weekend's list, Catch Up. (If you haven't checked it out, sign up and do!!! You'll learn all about using some great products.) I have already started using my new knowledge and want to learn some more!!!!
9-Quiet (at least at this point) weekend ahead. I am happy about that....would love to finish reading my book and have some studio time and just relax!!!! Plus, I really want to sleep in. Getting up this week has been difficult.
10-Katie and I might go see the new Julia Roberts /Sleeping Beauty twist movie later this afternoon. Hopes so, it would be fun. And tomorrow Dave moves his mom back into her house. This second weekend activity means nice weather is really getting more official. She's been at his sister's in Maine since right around Thanksgiving and now she moves back to the lake-unfortunately means more work for my hubby...but hopefully not too much.

No photos since I don't have my internet quite yet and am doing this at work.
Weird last night with no Project Runway All Stars. We are definately in a tv slump right now.
Have an excellent day and thanks for stopping by.

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