Sunday, March 25, 2012


So this hockey season has been  exciting, fun, wonderful, adventurous, wild, enjoyable, magnificent, excellent, fantastic, and lots of other positive adjectives. What a trip! We saw 8 Maine games, a few UNH games, a wild game in 50 degree January weather at Fenway Park in Boston, both a Hockey East semi-final and final and a NCAA game. I went to 2 alumni sponsored pre-game parties and traveled to some arenas I had never been to before. I spent some fun time with my sister-in-law and her husband. I went to the Cumberland County Civic Center in Maine to see a game. I tried lots of new restaurants and new beers.  I had a blast! It is VERY SAD to see the season come to an end, and VERY DISAPPOINTING to see Maine lose last night- especially when in the first half of the game they played SO EXCELLENT! I hate to say it but the second half of the game Minnesota-Duluth just outplayed them. I was so hoping to go back to Worcester tonight to see them play BC, but in the NCAA 16 teams go in and 12 teams leave after this first weekend of playoffs. Now the only team left  from Hockey East is BC. I wish we were playing them tonight, but that is not meant to be.
It is just time to move onto the next things in  life and wait for fall (but let's nut rush it) for next years season to start and all the new adventures that we'll have when next Maine hockey season  begins.
GO MAINE!!!!!!

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