Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Let's Go Racing

Wednesday...another beautiful day on tap. Yesterday was beautiful and warm (in the 80's!!!!!!), been sleeping with my window open...lots of my raking is DONE, got to love that since March is often still snowy.  I'm usually lucky to do some raking starting in mid-April,-rushing to do it before the black flies come out -never mind March 20th. I've never had almost all of my gardens cleaned out by the end of March.
Wonder if those bugs will be out earlier this year.
So this warmth makes me so perky when I get home. I actually left work earlier-well not early but not too long after the kids left.  Besides raking I did a couple of scrap pages and watched My Week with Marilyn which I rented through Redbox. Not a bad flick. Trying to place what film the main actor, the guy who plays Colin, has been in.
So last week I got back into working on the rest of my photos I took last summer in North Carolina. I worked on photos from our one day road trip to the NASCAR Hall of Fame in Charlotte from my friend's house in Raleigh. This photo shows Dave and my good friend Ina outside of the Hall of Fame.
I first sprayed the paper with some copper colored Tattered Angels. Then I used some new Tim Holtz stamps from the road trip set. I stamped the tire tracks all over the page. 
I attached the picture on an angle and stamped the road trip image on the top of the page. The I stamped the circle gauge on white paper, die cut out the image and used straw distress stain to color it. I put a little black brad in the center and then used Ranger Crackle Accents and let it dry overnight. I also used the Crafty Secrets Car Classics clear stamps. I made the little license plate by stamping it on white paper and embossing it in black and then cutting it out. Love how it came out. 

And I added some giant yellow brads, this page just called for it.
I also used the Craft Secrets set to stamp the 2 black racing flags...they are both separate stamps but I overlapped them to give them this classic racing look. I used Versa-mark and black embossing powder to get this look and then used a white pen to color in the white blocks.
I made 4 pages of our trip to NASCAR HoF and I had a blast doing them. I didn't think I would, but it was fun to play with my man stamps. I'll show you more some other time.
Happy Hump Day.

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