Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Plane Art

Art can be found so many unexpected places!
When we were in Arizona we went to the Pima Air and Space Museum. It was my hubby's choice, but I found I really enjoyed it. Who knew planes could be so beautiful? Plus, the museum had this exhibit of painted planes and plane parts. Really really cool. 
Here's the engine bay on a plane...the skull fits it perfectly.

I LOVE the flowers on this nosecone. They look so real.
Can you image the whole sides of a plane painted with this cool circles?
Very cool tail fin!
Here's that plane with the circles all over it and the brick looking engine blocks.
And another cool graffiti type of paint scheme.
These decorated planes were a pleasant surprise.
I will say the even some of the normal paint schemes had some surprising artistic beauty. Will show you those another day.
So yesterday was another GORGEOUS day in the 70's. I love this weather. We're going to cool off today, but only into the 50's which works fine for me too. Last night it was so nice I came home and grilled a burger for dinner. Just had to do it.
Hope your day is warm sunny and spring-like.
Until tomorrow.

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