Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The vacation hang over

The vacation hang over is not really like drinking too much and having a boozey head; it is more like a somber sigh that you give yourself since you know the trip is finished but you can't help reliving it in your head. You work on your travel journal and wish you had another day home to do that. The heck with work. But then you put on your work clothes and head out the door and do what you are suppose to do.
I want to share some more photos today.
We went to this old Spanish Mission just south of Tucson. It is called Mission San Xavier del Bac and even though I had read about it in the what to do in Tucson book, we weren't out to find it. It was more of a fluke we passed by the sign for it and we saw it in the distance and then when we stopped we just happen to hit the last free tour of the day. I found the tour both interesting and the building just beautiful, having never been in an old Spanish mission from the 1700's before.
This is the inside of the church itself and although very ornate, it is all painted because the Mexican/Spanish governments didn't want to send all the real gold and cash to the frontier where this church was built. I found the art very beautiful since it is so folk-artist in some ways.

Like this painting of the last supper-not the best photo I admit, but can you notice the devil head down on the bottom right? It is painted directly onto the wall of the church, not on canvas.
Here's some other views of this beautiful mission.

This is why I get travel hang-over. You experience so many cool things that you wouldn't know about otherwise. Plus this trip was full of unexpected art. Like this mission. And these are just the indoor shots from this Mission.
I'll leave you with a few more shots from this beautiful place.

Have a fantastic Tuesday and thanks for stopping by.

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