Friday, April 27, 2012

10 Things Friday -Post Vacation List

10 Things about my vacation-so far -since I still have today, tomorrow and Sunday:
1-I stayed home a lot of my vacation-some days I didn't even go out and I loved it. Stayed in my sweats those days and puttered about- I LOVED being home so much. In fact, I wish I didn't have to go back to work so I could be home some more. I am in a homebody mode right now!
2-I got lots of walks in the morning after sleeping in most mornings. (but did notice it is now getting light just after 5 a.m.-so exciting).
3-I got my rug ripped up AND I got my screen porch bleached. YAHOO!
4-I made art! I worked on my prayer flag curtains, finished my OBX/last summer's vacation scrapjournals, I ran off photos from Arizona to start the next scrapjournal, I worked on my travel journal for this summer's vacation, made a few cards, knitted, and had lots of fun time.
5-I organized my paper punches and put a big bag of fabric away in the space I created when I organized my paper punches.
6-I cleaned my car and switched over my many of my spring/winter clothes.
7- Saw my mom one day and had a fun day out with my friend Vicky. Both of those included road trips- and I love road trips.
8-I watched lots of episodes on Dark Shadows. I finished my Peter Mayle book and started rereading book 11 of the Sookie Stackhouse/True Blood series. (New book 12 is next week!)
9-Made my first quiche.
10-I tried not to do too many chore projects but one thing being home is you see all those projects that need to be done. I had to tell myself not to work, work, work! After all, I only had a week off and though it feels fantastic to get some work done (especially that bedroom rug), it was super not to do anything.
But that is what vacation is all about, isn't it?

Photo Friday!
Here we go!
It is getting GREEN!
My first quiche!
Dropping daffodil in the rain the other day!

Have a great Friday!

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