Friday, April 20, 2012

10 Things Friday- What I Want to Do on My Vacation

Vacation starts at 2:30 today-hurrah!!! The very best part about a vacation-besides the vacation itself-of course-is that first night when the whole week of downtime  is in front of you. What a fantastic feelign that is!
I am so excited to have a week off!!!!
Today's 10 things Friday is about the 10 things I hope to do or plan to do over my week off at home. (And you must know how it is, you have lots of plans but they all don't get done. Check back next Friday and I'll do my 10 things I did do over vacation list!)

1- Studio time- I have copper clay to play with, would love to do some polymer clay tiles, and finish my OBX scrap journal. As long as I get to be creative most days-even if I don't do any of these- it will be a good vacation.

2- Make my new kitchen curtains- I am trying something, not sure how it will look, but thinking of doing something on the line of making Tibetian inspired Prayer Flags and stringing them over my ktichen window. I cut out the bases the other day- now to sew and add details. Will let you know later how it all goes. (They won't look like actual Prayer Flags but those are my inspiration.)

3-READ a lot of pleasure reading or whatever reading I want to read- even if I end up reading my Organic Chemistry for Dummies book-hopefully out on the screen porch.

4- Get my bedroom rug ripped out. (It is old and digusting-we've been in our house for 23 years and it was there for at least 8 or 10 years before we moved in). Need the hubby to do that.

5- Work outside a bit- I have 2 main half day projects- bark mulch the big flower garden (which is still on the maybe I will not do that this year list-meaning I may not even contemplate that project next week)) and bleach down the inside of the screen porch. There's a lot of wood out there- including the ceiling and one wall up against the house, and I didn't do any bleaching last year. With our New England humidity- it needs a good cleaning. (This is number 2 on the project list for the week- that and pulling out the rug which I need the hubby to help with). I really hope we get some nicer weather so I can get this done, but it would be a big must do off the list.
We shall see.

6- Go visit my mom one day.

7-Spend  at least 2 days at home with no schedule. More would be better. I do have plans to spend a day with my friend Vicky- not sure what yet, but I will play that by ear. If she can't get off from work then that won't happen and I'll have another open day at home. Staying home and having OPEN time is MY BIGGEST GOAL of the week.

8-Get lots of morning walks in!!!!!!!!!!!!

9- Rent a couple of movies I have been wanting to see and spend either an evening or even better, and afternoon in front of the tv. (Meryl Streep's movie on the Iron Lady and the American version of The Girl with Dragon Tattoo, plus I really want to see that kids movie Puss N'Boots-because that cat from the Shrek series reminds me of my cat Leo.)

10-Be spontaneous!!!! Do what moves me. Don't get tied up in a schedule. If I decide to go out, I will go out. If I decide I want to drive to go shopping I will. Maybe go to the CK Scrapbooking convention in Manchester-not to take a class but to shop. Maybe skip it and save my cash. I might sleep late or maybe get up early. Maybe try some new recipes or retry some that I have been wanting to do for awhile. Maybe make a pot of chili or some French Onion soup. All of my plans sound so FANTASTIC to me right now that even if I just do 1 thing it will be a great week. Afterall, I am on vacation!!!!!
Not a week off to work around the house either!!!!!!!

I love these crocus photos. I know I showed you one the other day but here's a few more.

Also, today is the 100th anniversary of a famous New England landmark. Fenway Park is 100 years old!!!! And to make it special-the Sox play the Yankees as they did 100 years ago. Love that fact. The Red Sox are doing pretty awful this year-but it would be great if they won today-especially against those Yankees.
Go Sox.
Have a GREAT Friday.

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