Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Changing my View

So here's a card I made on Monday that kind of represents yesterday-I didn't get to pack a suitcase and fly to someplace tropical, but I did drive 2+ hours south to Massachusetts to visit my Mom. We spent the day having a nice little visit and having some of the quiche I made for lunch. Was fun and good to see her. Then on the way home I stopped at Trader Joe's and Costco. Was a long day with lots of driving time. But I did get some original Dark Shadows DVDs at Costco which I may just sit and watch today. If you're old enough to remember the original series then you may be excited about the movie  coming out called, what else, Dark Shadows with Johnny Depp next month. Of course, just having a Johnny Depp movie coming out is exciting anyhow. But I can't wait to watch some of these old shows-Dark Shadows was a soap opera on at 4 in the afternoon-I used to watch it after school when I was a kid.
Can't wait to watch it today-figured last night when I got home that  since I am a chicken hearted soul I better wait and watch it in broad daylight-just in case.
Especially since Dave was off in Western Massachusetts on business and I was home alone- well I had 2 needy boys and one other not so needy girl so I wasn't totally alone. At least one of my boys is big, black and hairy and barks pretty loud. The other one is big and hairy but just plain emotional and needy. He meows a lot but not sure that would have protected me. And neither would help if I just plain freaked myself out.
Anyhow, my card is NOT off kilter but when I photographed it was wasn't totally flat-the open side was a bit popped up and I didn't catch that until after I snapped the photos AND mailed the card out to my college baby at school. All the stamps are from Paper Smooches and all are from their Get Outta Town set. I was all excited to find my fav. craft store carrying a bunch of Paper Smooches stamps, so I got them there and didn't have to order them online.
So today I might do some sewing and I might just lounge on the couch and I might even get ambitious and clean. Well maybe not clean. Maybe play with some copper clay or scrap. Who knows? I am home all day and doing whatever floats my boat.
Will fill you in later.
Thanks for visiting!

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