Saturday, April 7, 2012

Company for Dinner

Look who came for dinner at my house the other evening (Wednesday). Just as dusk was whisking its way in. I had to snap these photos through the door since he was about 20 ft away. Between the glass in the door and dusk coming in...they aren't the best photos color/light-wise but in this one above he is just posing, isn't he?
I didn't want my dog to go out either since he is a bear chaser and I didn't want him to get hurt.
I was trying to chase this bruin off since I didn't want any of my bird feeders wrecked-door pounding and opening it just a crack to yell at him, but he was drunk on sugar water and just rolled around like a circus bear....
Then he lumbered down behind our hot tub-I think he was hoping I would go away and he could go back to his snack, but he finally gave up and went off into the woods. This took all of about 30 minutes.
I've mentioned I live in the woods and bears aren't uncommon around here. I love having this wildlife in my area....we have moose, deer, owls, wild turkeys, coyotes...In 23 years we haven't had many issues-just bird feeders...but you just have to be smart and keep the cats in at night. Definitely.
He seemed particularly interested in the sugar water in my hummingbird feeder that I just put out that morning.
Needless to say my bird feeders are now in the house.

It was quite the adventure.

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