Monday, April 2, 2012

Let the Week Begin

Well I really wish I had more weekend days off, but I don't. It is Monday and it is the very end of the Tomorrow and Wednesday I have exams. And I must say it was a great thought that it is only 3 weeks until I have a vacation!  I can't wait to have some down days off at home. 
This weekend was a good weekend though I thought I would get all these things on my to do list accomplished...and I didn't. I did do a few some more raking and planting my seeds in some starter boxes, visited with my friend Vicky and took a great nap...Katie and I went to see Mirror,Mirror on Friday...cleaned a tad bit and did laundry, graded the tests I needed to also...but I only spent about an hour and half in the studio. Made a couple of cards...but not much else. Oh well. I had planned to do so much more art...but Katie was home and I spent time with her which is definitely a good thing. Luckily,  last week was a good studio week and I had lots of time. I have a pretty quiet week of evenings ahead of me this week too so after work I should get a bunch of studio time. I am one of these people who needs daily or almost daily studio time...and when I don't get any after a few days it really bugs me. 
I did make some yummy chocolate chip quick bread the other night.

And I started some tomato and pepper seeds which will hopefully grow up and I can put them in my garden in a few months.
And look what I found blooming in one of my gardens?
That is always exciting!!!!

I am happy with the weekend overall which is always a good thing too.
Did you have a good weekend?

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