Thursday, April 12, 2012

More OBX pages

I am almost finished with my travel journal from last summer. I guess I just take way too many photos-LOL. Today I will show you some more OBX journal pages. The theme today-lighthouses on white backgrounds. Simple pages but sometimes the white background really makes the photo pop. Especially when you have a super blue sky and use a black accent/highlight.
I used a Crafter's Workshop template and some paint on these 2 pages. Also, a bit of SmashBook paper tape.
I know lots of people wouldn't leave a plain white background. I wouldn't always leave a plain white background either, but sometimes it just looks good to me. I am kind of a simple gal anyhow. I don't like too much on my pages so the photos stand out.
I am kind of a messy gal too.
My pages never look perfectly neat or straight.
Probably means lots of you wouldn't like them. But my scrapbooks are more like a journal than a scrapbook.
A journal with photos you could say.
And below, I used some 7Gypsies striped tape and a couple of die cut letters to spell out the word UP. The stamped words are from a clear set by ??? Wish I could tell you but I can't remember if it is Pink Paisley or Cosmo Cricket. But I think it was Pink Paisley.  The set has a number strip, some postal items, a pointy fingr hand and this very cool strip stamp with a bit of swirls and a little bird on it too.
(Ignore the spots on the photos that look like rain spots-they are shadows from my window. Guess it wasn't such a good time to take photos-either that or I better wash my windows soon.)
And this page is mostly journaling. Except for the photo of course.
So I have been starting to plan for my next vacation- a trip of a lifetime trek to Glacier National Park in Montana and then up to Banff and Jasper National Parks in Canada. Sounds like a spectacular place to go.
Lonely Planet Banff, Jasper and Glacier National Parks
Picked up this book the other day and gave it a quick read through.
It is an exotic place to me and I am excited. It will be packed since we are going in July-peak season and expensive- but when you teach school September-June it is hard to go any other time unless you wait to retire.
I don't want to wait! Seeing retirement is still a bit down the road unless something exciting happens in my life to change that.
So today we are having another day of grey skies. Again. A repeat without all the wind. It has become a repeat for us the last 3 weeks-ever since our gorgeous March week of heat. Yesterday wasn't really windy but by noon it was CLOUDY. Better than late snow yes, but we could use RAIN. So if it is going to be cloudy it might as well rain. We had such little snow this winter that the lakes are really low and we are dry already. I guess if it won't rain I wish it would be sunny and a bit warmer.
But then I don't get a say about that, do I?
Yesterday I also had a great day home. I signed up for 2 classes with Tim Holtz in May at my fav. craft store, got the taxes completed, took a walk,  and played in the studio. Except for my walk didn't go out all day. Got to love it!
And now it is Thursday and we're at the end of the week-already!
Enjoy your day.

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