Thursday, April 5, 2012

Spring Blooms

Happy Thursday! Here's a card I made a few weeks ago....not sure what I think about it as a whole but I do LOVE the crocus collage down on the bottom right corner.
Here's a close up.
Crocus image is by Flourishes. They do make fabulous flower image stamps! The word images are from Flourishes (the crocus word), Technique Tuesday (the hope word) and the 2 French images are from 7Gypsies (Avignon set). The anticipation saying is from B Line Designs.
Living in New Hampshire and living in the woods like I do, my crocuses are just blooming. For some reason my gardens are always a bit behind.
First flowers are always fantastic!
So yesterday I had a shorter day of work because of exams. It was sunny and in the 60's so I brought my puppy dog with me to work- he waited in the car (which he prefers to his crate) and then we went to the beach with my girlfriend Jo and her dog and we walked. He loved it. I loved it! I love being by the ocean. And this beach we went to seemed to have lots of pieces of sea glass which is super cool-it is not my usual walking beach (which never has sea glass) so I collected a bunch along with some polished chips of shells. What a way to perk up me in my waiting for vacation mode. 
Then I detoured on my way home and checked out this nice little paper store south on route 1 that I hadn't been to for probably 2 years-which is closing shortly so I picked up a few items (it is kind of sad but the owner seemed thrilled to be moving on after a long run of managing a store) and then I stopped by this scrapbook store which I haven't been to in even a longer period of time and got a couple of small is not a bad store but compared to my favorite store, it is small. But it was fun to stop and see where it has gone to since I last went in. I tell you, I really needed this little spontaneous road trip adventure. The fresh air, sunshine and just going some place not super far away but out of my ordinary driving route really is mentally good for me. I feel much more recharged to take on the rest of the week.
Hope you get to do something that recharges you too.
Thanks for visiting.

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