Monday, May 28, 2012

Love A Monday Holiday

So it is Memorial Day. Summer is really here and so far this first weekend of it has been great. Today I need to do some chores around the house...but I am puttering at it. Staying in this mellow mood.
Three weeks from today I am on official summer break.
Can't wait for that too.
So here's some photos from yesterday.
It was our shakedown cruise, first boating day of season. We even had to rescue some people and tow them to shore-and we had a heating buzzer go off but then it seemed to go away and we were good.
We pass this gorgeous old place along the Piscataqua River-on the Maine side. Not sure if this is a private home, but if not, I bet it was at one time.
Another pretty view.
And here's a happy guy in his boat.
At this point we are pulling out for the day.
Can you make out the dog in this kayak? Love it.

Have a great holiday!

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