Wednesday, May 16, 2012

More scrap-journaling

A another fun page from my travel scrap-journal. I am liking what I've been making lately.
 It is my homage to saguaro cacti. I love the how this heart looks 3d and seems to pop off the page. But it is not. I drew the heart with a black Sharpie and then inked the inside. Then  I stamped the cacti, using some masking. A quick spray with some Dylusion's spray ink, and then some journaling.  A bit of paper tape, and the stamped words by 7Gypsies. Then I stamped the 2 sizes of cacti on paper, colored them and cut them out. I also added a snippet of a die cut wavy line and I drew in and darkened the sun behind the cacti. I stamped the Arizona word (Hero Arts) and then I added the plastic lizard that was sitting around on my shelf. I think he makes the page!
This little guy is fun.
I really like this Hero Arts/Studi Calico stamp set with all 50 states listed. Most of my scrpping is about traveling I do and I love being able to add in where the page was set.
I also have been using a lot of bright colors lately which is VERY different for me. But I am loving it, especially since I am doing the southwest, where the area calls for some more warm colors. I love to set my pages to feel like where I am. I think that makes the page more authentic.
So yesterday was another day of checking off the list. Man, this week is something else. But every day more gets checked off and I get one step closer to Saturday and my art classes. Haven't taken any live classes for awhile so I am excited.
Thanks for stopping by.

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