Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Scrappy Wednesday

Thought I'd stay on the same wavelength as yesterday and show you a few more scrap-journal pages from Arizona.  I have just started this album and I haven't  done lots of photos yet, plus I like to set the stage for the trip and for sections of the trip. 
I love this die-cut license plate  and decorated with some stamps I bought in Bisbee. Here's a close up.
And being in Arizona, we did see some cacti. 

More pages to come another day!!!!
So I have grass seed sprouting in my yard! Yesterday it rained all day and today is suppose to be not so sunny today either. My yard is loving it and it doesn't hurt when you need to teach kids ready for summer.
So yesterday I stopped at Barnes and Nobel on the magazine hunt-didn't find any of those but did find this fantastic book
It is an illustrated book all about the farm-or for you if you garden or want to do something "farmish". Or if you just want to be knowledgeable. Since it is illustrated with short captions-I read the whole book last night.
Check it out.
Thanks for visiting.

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