Friday, June 15, 2012

10 Things Friday and...

some more oceany photos from last Sunday.
I love this photo-Dave caught this little squid-which we put back into the ocean so he can get to be a big squid. But being little Miss Biologist and an ocean lover I think this squid guy is fascinating. I especially love the dot pattern in his (or her) skin. And my art side is loving the design on the skin and the contrast of the squiddy color and the blue water behind him.
Ok, so I am weird. (I already knew that.)
And here's a commorant flying over the water. The far background is one of the Isle's of Shoals with this great little lighthouse.
And other than the gull of the wharf piling, no other animals here-except see all those lobster traps? This is a photo of the commercial pier in Portsmouth, NH.
Besides the squid we caught this mini-mackerel (another catch and release). His colors were pretty too, but you can see them better in a bigger version than blogger shows.

So here's my 10 things Friday-looking a bit ahead this week-what I hope to accomplish in the next week.
1-First of all, the kiddoes are off for the summer (as of yesterday) and  it was weird, I had this huge release of stress when the bell rang for the last time this school year. After about 2 minutes the hallways were empty and SILENT. I sat back down at my desk to grade and then it all just lifted off me. A big breath. Shoulders sagged a bit. I needed to put my head down and regroup. But it feels good...the end of the year is always awful on the stress end. I have today and Monday to do some teacher things. I am sure I feel a bit the same way on the end of each of those days. Then I am finally on vacation.
2-I have had hardly any art time the last 2 weeks, so on Tuesday I plan on spending most of my day in the studio because I really need some play time.
3-Of course I am planning on sleeping later than 4:45 a.m. first. I am beat-deep down tired- BUT I will admit that the kids being finish has taken a big weight off my shoulders. (Handling kids who know they have 10 weeks off-and will have 10 weeks off in just a few days of more work is tough. I get their perspective-why do we have to work when school is just about over?)
4-I know, no snow days last winter means we get a longer vacation not having to make up any time.
I love that.
5- I work Saturday at the lake again and it is suppose to be dry weather-which is good. I'm into making as much extra cash as I can. Plus, I love sitting by the water. And, being that geeky biologist, I love helping out the environment looking for invasive weed species and keeping them out of this gorgeous lake we have here in town.
6-One day I should go visit my mom.
7-Plus I need to go restock up my kitchen cabinets. A trip to Trader Joe's and Costco is NEEDED. Been so busy with work all those house chores have gotten a bit behind. Food, cleaning, a few other chores. Even they sound wonderful right now.
8- And Harley plus my waist-line need some exercise. A lot of walks. Every morning-once I wake up that is.
9-And I think I deserve a trip to my favorite art store to spend a bit of that hard earned money.
10-And the best part- I don't have to have any plans. I can take it day by day. I can lay on the couch all day if I want. Sleep until noon.
Will I?
Don't know. Doubt it. Not sure I want to waste a beautiful day in bed. But my point being- like you can't figure it out, time is more mine than when I am at work.
It is like several weeks of all Saturdays and Sundays-
Thanks for stopping by and listening to me ramble on!

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