Friday, June 1, 2012

10 Things Friday

Ok, no special list this week. Back to the 10 things right now.
Been a spell since I've been doing these theme weeks for a bit.
1-I start work at the boat ramp tomorrow morning checking boats for weeds-as long as it doesn't rain! Will do a 4 hour shift-not sure how busy it will be but hope to get some reading done. (It is a fabulous job!) I hope to get a regular weekday shift this summer once school is out-get a little extra cash. (that craft supply money.....oh yeah!)
2- My roommate from college (I know that was years ago) Lorrie is coming up tomorrow and we are going to the Keepsake Quilting and Yarn tent sale. Who knows what we'll find. But I love poking through boxes and bins and rummaging to see what we can come up with. And I am VERY excited to see Lorrie and do some catching up.
3- One more week of school --almost finished. 8 days of kids-if you don't count today, and then 2 teacher workdays. 
4-I am SOOOOOOOOOO ready for summer vacation.
5- Can you believe it is JUNE????
6-One week from today is graduation at school. We teacher's wear our University/college gowns and March in before the kids. It is a nice tradition and what I like about graduation is that it wraps up the year.
7- I hope my daughter's attitude improves. She's been having these moments...yikes.
8-Katie started her new job at UNH housing this week. Glad she found something more full time-3 8 hour days a week-plus she'll keep her lake job. Hopefully she'll make a bunch of cash this summer so in the fall she won't need quite so much money at school.
9-The new season of True Blood is out. Katie and I have been watching it. It is very very different from the books but I still love it.
10-Decided to do a summer scrap-journal kind of like the holiday one I made back in December. I will make it as I go along-Memorial Day through Labor Day. It will include photos, tags, items, memorabilia, anything I want to add. Should be fun to do and a nice memory keeper to look back on later. Will show you some photos another day.

Here's a few views from garden right now.
Some bearded irises. I loved them and wish they're bloom all summer.

This gorgeous orange azalea bush along with some buzzing bees.
And how about this butterfly in motion too?

Just beautiful.
Thanks for stopping by and come back again soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Erika!
    Beautiful irises - mine are also blossoming. We have Milfoil inspectors on our Maine ponds; do you deal with that too in NH? I do hope to go to Julie's classes at AE; it would be fun to run into you there! We'll have to keep in touch :-) You can email me at felisdemilo [at] fairpoint [dot] net


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