Friday, June 8, 2012

10 Things Friday

The Count Down!
Summer vacation is almost here!
This has been the last full 5 day week with the kids. 
Here's my list-end of the school year themed! 
1- Tonight is graduation. Seniors will no longer be students at PHS in just a few short hours.
I really liked this years senior class. And next years seniors- I like them even better.
2-By next Friday the rest of the kiddoes will be on vacation and we will be having a day to clean up our rooms, turn in grades, order for the fall, etc.
3-Counting today, I have 4 1/2 days with kids and 6 1/2 days of work! Love it!!!
4-Exams are next Wed. and Thurs!
5-The rain we've had this week has helped a lot (and we've had a lot of dark wet weather-especially early in the week)-but the kids are still antsy.
6-Down to 4 juniors in my microbio class. Some ways that is great and some ways that is a pain. Yesterday we ate Chinese food and started watching Contagion.
7- No more National Honor Society until fall. Glad to have that wrapped up.
8-The end of the year is  stressful, wrapping up grades, cleaning the room, ordering for the fall,dealing with other people who can't handle the stress very well. ETC. Just too busy and the list to wrap up just gets longer and longer before you can say it is all complete.
9-The toughest part is that I just I want it to be done and not have to do all these end of the year items. I want a break from the routine of work, from the people I work with (though I like them...sometimes a break is important). I've been waking up in the morning and coming home with my head just wanting silence!  That's a sign I am on the point of overload. (Too many days with too many things on the agenda-constant things....) I am ready to have summer.
Now don't think I am just a whiny teacher, I love my job...but sometimes everyone reaches a point they just need some time away from work...this week has been some very long days at work-it was 12 hours on Wednesday...and after this crazy almost summer vacation week and trying to teach antsy,shut down is like teaching to the wall all day!
10-I think everybody needs a summer break, no matter what you do.
It is a fantastic restorative for the soul!
10 weeks of summer time ahead!
10 weeks of summer adventure!

Here's some boating views-hope to have a lot more to show you as the summer goes on.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Erika,
    Thank you for popping by my blog. You have lovely visual journals on your blog.
    I feel for you about the end of the year "wrap up" at school. It must be very hard to get all of the finals done and motivate a bunch of teens to study for finals.
    I'm looking forward to the summer too. Although, part of my freedom is gone because my 10 and 12yr old boys are out of school.
    I love having them home but it can be hard to motivate them to get off the computers and games. I'm a nature lover and always want to be out. They always want to stay in. It gets exhausting to have to motivate them all summer. Once we're all out then it's fun.
    I hope the next few weeks fly by fast for you.


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