Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A Ceiling

This was the coolest ceiling ever...I want it in my house. So I made a scrap-journal page about it. And the way this page  came out makes me happy.
I started by stamping the background a bit, then adding a bunch of Tim Holtz tape. He taught us this technique at one of the classes I took with him. Not laying the tape, but then inking it. Finally a die cut tag, some stamped  and cut out images and a little paper flower.
I know, who makes scrap pages of ceilings?????

So now we're down to 5 classes with kids...and still counting!
Happy Wednesday.
Thanks for visiting!


  1. hehe, a ceiling made out of mesquite wood...never heard of that...looks amazing...hope you can get it someday ;)

  2. Hi Erika - that is one fantastic ceiling and definitely scrap-worthy! Love all the different tapes in your background. I'm all signed up for classes with both Dyan and Julie at AE - will you be at Julie's classes?


Thanks for visiting. Your comments are always appreciated!