Saturday, June 30, 2012

Wrapping Up June

Can you believe it is the last day of June? I can't. 2012 is half way over!
It was just winter time and the year was starting.
But I am not rushing through the year and I am certainly NOT ready for winter yet.
So yesterday I listened to the cleaning devil in my head and I went and organized my kitchen overflow closet down in the basement. I was pretty pleased with myself. And I lounged at the lake on my mother-in-law's deck and enjoyed some quiet down time afterwards. I figured I deserved it after doing that cleaning job.
Today I work at the lake and then we have dinner plans with some friends.
As you can tell, I am having a blast so far this summer.
So here's a few journal pages to show you.

I used an old calendar page as my base to journal on. Love trying new things and that was it on this page. And rainbow colored Viva paint pen dots.
This page I used some stamps (Paperbag Studio) which I then colored. I sprayed the page and added some acrylic ink to the hearts to make them pop off the page, but you can't tell they're popping here.

One more page for you today.
Doodling, coloring, watercolor crayons, some Tim Holtz watercolor markers and the clouds are stamped images from Hero Arts.
That's it for right now.
Have yourself a super fabulous last day of June.

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