Friday, July 6, 2012

10 Things Friday

1- What a BUSY week. And it is flying by. What with the holiday, Dave taking some time off and working at the lake. Plus a very busy social schedule also-Love it. 
2- So last week I challenged myself to do 2 cleaning projects. I did get 1 completed- I organized the basement kitchen overflow closet. And I did do a bit of other cleaning up of clutter, but haven't yet gotten to the other things on the last.
3-It is vacation and I do need some down time! Why do I even challenge myself when I know (and said in the last 10 things Friday) that I doubted it would happen?
4-So I have accomplished some things this week though-even with everything else happening, and they are
a-lots of reading
b-worked on my summer scrap-journal
c-have been working 20 hours this week at the boat ramp
d-a small amount of gardening
e-maybe I can still squeeze in doing my cabinet in the upstairs bathroom (?)
f-made some food for the 4th of July cookout at my mother-in-laws
g- made my lemonade pie which didn't solidify like it was suppose to
5-I am having a blast this summer!
Did I mention that already?
6- So Dave took off Tuesday off and we went for an early morning kayak. He is taking today off and we are going out in the boat with my sister-in-law and her husband.
Next week he has a second interview with the company who interviewed him last week. Yahoo! It is movement forward.
7- I need to get past this waking up between 5-6 a.m. I do go back to sleep, some days, but man, I am on summer vacation. I don't need to wake up that early.  I have been staying up later at night though- actually getting some evening time. Must be the long days!
8- So last night we went to North Conway to Moat Mountain Brewery for a little road trip with some of Dave's family. Today we are going boating. Tomorrow I work the lake-hopefully the rest of the day will be slow and then we might go boating with some friends on the big lake-Lake Winnepeesaukee  (? spelling- after living in this area since 1987 I still can't spell that word). Next week I am definitely hoping for just a little quieter week.
But not too quiet.
Can you tell I am at that point where I am having fun and just trying to give totally into summer but desperately craving some down studio time too. I did have hopes of getting a bunch of projects done. 
I guess what I really need is 2 days of nothing during the week and then some days with some fun activities.
9-Next week  I must finish up my travel journal because we leave for our vacation to Glacier National Park and the Canadian Rockies in less than 2 weeks. Can not wait!
10-So let's see where I get to next week. I will challenge myself to get two more cleaning projects done- and maybe even start painting my bedroom! If I could do that-that would be a huge accomplishment.
But as I have said 100 times already-
it is summer and I still have weeks off so I will get done what I manage to get done.
And I should go visit Mom next week.
I need to go to the cell phone store next week and get a month's work of service to Canada so I can check on my daughter who will be home.
And work only 12 hours-much much better
and have some fun
and some fun studio time
and whatever else I stumble over/

I leave you with a silly photo of my daughter and the lobster statue at the boatyard where we keep our boat.

Happy Friday!

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