Saturday, July 7, 2012

Flip-flops and Beach Chairs

So today some more pages from my summer book. This past week I've done hardly any studio play-been so busy with all my other activities. I will say this week has felt like a vacation-even though I am on school vacation this one is like a real vacation-not just being home.
And I have TONS of photos of art and my week but most of them need to be Photoshopped since digital photos always seem to have a tinge of darkness to them otherwise.
So this page focuses on my sitting by the water. I started by spray inking my page-those of you who check in will most likely say "of course". Then I added some 8x8 paper from October Afternoon, a bunch of assorted paper tape, my photos and a couple of die cuts that have been embellished. Finally I journaled with a Sharpie, outlined it with a Sharpie and then a white pen and finally used a yellow Copic to color in the boxes so they stand out a bit more.
So I'll stick to a flip-flop/by the beach theme today. This page has some plaid paper and a red fabric scrap (though it looks like paper in this photo) plus a bunch of little flip-flop embellishments I made. I bought these flip-flop Papertrey Ink stamps (my first) in early June. I stamped the floral bottoms and then added some tiny yellow flowers I had (Prima) and a dot of red Viva paint pen in the center of each flower. I stapled down the photo and used a black square (7Gypsies) stamp 3 times over my shoes. The saying is from the Papertrey Ink flip flop set.
So yesterday boating we had a FANTASTIC day! Here's Dave (far back-my hubby) and then his sister Laurie and her husband Bob. We beached the boat on this sandy area in New Castle Harbor and went for a dip (BRRRR the north Atlantic is freezing).  We also caught quite a bit of mackerel and the Dave had a hit from a striped bass and Bob actually caught one 
Here's his fish before we released it. I can see why they call them stripers.
But the other excitement was the animals we saw. And of course, didn't have the right lens to get photos of.
It started with a seal-and in 3 years of boating I've never had one just swim by the boat. Then it was funny, I was fishing for stripers and a seagull swooped down and took my bait fish-which wasn't even a live fish. Then it started to fly away taking my line with it. I am sure that seagull couldn't figure out why the fish was being held back. So we're yelling at the bird and laughing too and finally the seagull drops the fish.  However just then this bald eagle swoops in to get the fish-wings flapping-talons extended. I yell that is it a bald eagle and we watch in amazement as the seagull comes back and chases the eagle away. The eagle lands in a pine tree just a ways off so Laurie pulls out her binoculars and sure enough, it has a nest there and a very large baby there. You can listen and here all the squawking from the baby and the other mate flies in. WE couldn't get the boat close enough since it is fairly shallow in this area of islands inshore, but kayakers are gathering in the area too. I didn't know there was even any eagle nests right in the islands in Portsmouth (NH) Harbor. Very cool. I can see why our country's symbol is the bald eagle as they are large and very majestic. It is also a conservation comeback. I had a similar (no seagull involved though) close encounter with a bald eagle last summer on the lake here in my hometown. 
Definitely a memorable moment.
Then we had a few more encounters with seagulls trying to take our bait fish but not anything as spectacular as the eagle moment.
So I need to go get ready to work at the boat ramp this morning. Have a fantastic Saturday and wear you flip-flops!

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