Tuesday, July 3, 2012

On the Water

I was playing with some of the photos I took Sunday at the airshow...well in the boat watching some of the planes fly over since we didn't actually go to the airshow. We even took a few dips into the bay from the back of the boat to cool off. I made this page for my summer scrap-journal, a digital photo shoot to break up the pages in the book, and I like how I figured out how to use a photo as the background to set the scene and add some small ones of us.
But we didn't do any fishing. This page is from a week earlier. I did my journaling on the photo using Photo- shop.The rest of the page is paper, stamping, paper tape and some white paper.
So yesterday I cleaned. It feels fantastic. I think what down time I have this week I am going to do some cleaning and decluttering. It just feels good and I can cross those chores off my to do list.
And just like last Friday-after I cleaned I went and lounged on the dock of my mother-in-laws on the little lake her house is on. It was a bit cool and windy to actually swim, but I read quite a bit of my book.
Today I am working at the boat ramp all afternoon-glad to get a good paycheck for this week. But this morning before work I am going to get my hubby to go out for a kayak on the marsh here in town. He's taking the day off. I am so excited-I LOVE to kayak and the marsh is the best place around in my opinion to kayak. I may even get some photos to show you later this week.
And I made my second pie of the summer last night. A cold lemonade pie. New recipe for me that I found in Southern Living. I'll let you know how it tastes later too.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great Tuesday!
And can you believe tomorrow is July 4th?

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