Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Taking Off

Today is the day! We have an early flight to Vegas and from Vegas to Spokane, Washington. I have never been to Washington so it is a new state for me! Plus tomorrow we will be driving through Idaho to get to Glacier National Park which is another new state for me! I want to make it to all 50 states and this puts me at like #38 (if you include Michigan-but in reality I have only been to the Detroit airport a couple of times). 
We're in Glacier until Monday and then we are driving north to Banff, Alberta (another new place for me- I have never been to Alberta) and then north to Jasper before heading back to Spokane to fly home on the 28th. Maybe I will even make it through a bit of British Columbia which would add another new location.
It is exciting.
But since we need to leave the house before 5 a.m. for our flight I will hold on my excitement until later.
I am bringing my laptop so I may have some new posts while gone.
Until whenever that is, let me show you a few more pages from my ready for travel journal.

I do like this past springs Globe die cut by Tim Holtz. Didn't think I would, but since I adore traveling and rambling the globe whenever I find the money or the time...

And I bought myself some new running shoes for the trip so I can run up a few mountains-
What do you think?
Until next time-
take it easy and have some adventures.

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