Monday, July 9, 2012

Yesterday and Today

Not a great photo (got to get used to a phone that has a video camera along with a still camera-and be sure I am in the right format when I go to snap a photo), but you can see how pretty Lake Winnipesaukee  is. There is a loon in this photo, a not too happy one because we were probably too close to its nest- but then it realized we were not going to be an issue and it went away.
And you can see how rough it was-not cold at all, I even jumped in for a dip.
And this margarita was the best ever-a basic margarita with this pomegranate, blood orange and some other juice I can't remember. Man it was so refreshing and I had 2- and you can image how I felt when we left the Restaurant in Wolfeboro. We boated over and got out for lunch.
We got plenty wet from waves washing over the boat and had a lot of laughs. Was a super fun day out, and I loved it even more because Katie came with us, since our friends have a daughter who is her age-in fact it is how we met-when they were both 2 and in day care.
Anyhow, enough boring you with my fun day out.
This page is a bit yellower than in real life, just couldn't get the color right. But I used a bunch of Tim Holtz tape and some red and brown ink over them all. I added the girl, the tickets, and a the 2 pretty birds. I added some doodling for a frame and the small little wings stamped word.
And here's the flip side of that page...celebrating the last day of school-June18th. Spray ink and then a stenciled image to all blend together-then I used this old Hero Arts stamped word-I love the size of these words. I also used die cut numbers (Sizzix) that I outlined in white and added some sparkles (Hero Arts). Some white doodling...and the paradise word is stamped and cut out.
So today I want to have a quiet day- planning on lots of studio and garden time-I hope at least. The holiday week is over so I am expecting this whole week to be a bit more low key- but you never know, do you?
I need to do some major catching up on my summer scrap-journal-and finish a couple of small projects I have started. I also need to wrap up the work on my travel journal-since Dave and I leave next week.
I am getting excited about that.
How about you? A quiet or busy week?
Thanks for stopping by.

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