Saturday, August 25, 2012

Busy Weekend

OK, lots on the agenda this weekend.
Today I am so excited-am taking an art class with
Julie Fan-Fei Balzar.
Then going to a good friend's 60th birthday bash.
And then on Sunday I am moving Miss Katie back to her college dorm.
NOW- I should also try to squeeze in the painting I need to finish in my bedroom-just need a couple of hours.
And then that will be FINISHED!
But not sure I will find that couple of hours.
Guess I should have done it yesterday rather than going for a jet ski ride and a swim.
But hey, you can paint all year but only go and play on the water for a few months of the year.
We saw a kettle of 5 bald eagles too!
That was worth it-
my summer of eagles.
I need to do some more studio cleaning too because it is driving me NUTS.
Next weekend.
Actually, the studio isn't really too bad-except for my work table.

This is a pretty cool classical statue. It reflected beautifully in the pool.
And this is the angel of victory on the front of the General Sherman statue in NYC.
Here's Sherman's face. It is really amazing.
And Diana, the Roman goddess of the hunt. 
These statue's (or their models) were at St. Gauden's National Historic site in  Cornish, New Hampshire. He was part of the Cornish Colony, and art group that he actually started by buying a summer estate in this rural western NH town. That in turn attracted some pretty famous other artists and writers.
I really don't know much about Augustus St. Gaudens, except what I learned when Dave and I took a road trip here the other day. This has been on my wish list for a good 3 years now, and I finally made it out there.
That's all for today.
Hope you have a great day.

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