Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Last Weekend

Last weekend I didn't even have 1 minute of studio time, but I did do some fun things.
Like make gingersnap cookies. This recipe makes the yummiest ones. It is from this cookbook.
The Black Dog Summer on the Vineyard Cookbook
I also made some yummy chocolate mint ice cream. I used this cookbook.
Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams at Home

I used the backyard mint ice cream recipe and I used some yummy whole milk chocolate milk from a local dairy. I haven't tried any of her ice cream recipes but the mint leaves just stew in the liquid all night and then you strain them out. Came out delicious-tastes like professional ice cream.
And I mentioned how we went fishing and didn't get any nibbles or bites or fish at all. This is all we caught, along with 2 lobster buoys and the boat anchor and even a bridge.
And we even saw this rainbow-we decided that all the fish were at the end of it.
And how about this cool sunbeam through the evening sunset clouds.
And cool cloud reflections.
That's what I want to share today and I appreciate your stopping by few a couple of minutes.

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