Saturday, August 11, 2012

Saturday wrap up

Another week in the books-
Boy that sounds so depressing!
So let me strike that thought.
Here's a quick snap of the iris garden I mentioned the other day, that I am putting in from my overgrown spread out plants. Not a very good photo, but you can see the composter on the left by the thick tree and then the curing line of my irises just before the woods.
Well maybe you can see that!
Yesterday I finished moving all the plants and then we got a bunch of rain, so it was good timing on my part.
My lawn this summer is HORRIBLE but it has been dry and we have a well so I am not trying to over water and run my well dry.

Anyhow, some more pages from my travel journal:

So I picked up this brochure (actually I got 2 of these so I can use some later on) with these cool old photos, that I then cut out and used to make some pages. 
This page I used another one of these old pictures, but this one was an old photo and I loved it. I made the background by overlapping washi tape and added a little fish sticker.
And then I used this little brown envelope some postcards I bought got packaged in.  I actually have a postcard in it. And I added the cut out Canadian Rockies Hot springs cut-out because this is how we spent one day.
Finally, I made one more page with another one of those cool old photos from the brochure-
Its the inside of the back page. I added the the giant octopus word bubble.

Oh yes, and one more thing
(mostly so come the end of the year and I can see all the books I read)
My latest read.
Thanks for stopping by!

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