Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Summer Journal

Since this is my mental transition week, from summer vacation self to back to working gal self, the week I still play but also start to becomes a bit more serious. That's what last week of vacation is like.
But because of that, it is time to start showing you something different. Enough of the travel journal and the travel photos.
For now.
Today, a few more pages from my summer journal.
I haven't really done all that much more art this summer other than this journal, a couple of cards...
Been so busy having fun doing other things.
Here's a page from our trip into the woods of Maine a few weeks ago. We had a campfire by the lake our first night. You can kind of see Dave, but more than a great picture I wanted to capture the memory. You know (I'm assuming) about how it is dark and you can just make out people's features when they bend in closer to the campfire. The colors of the even, the smokey smell.
I started by painting this page with red, yellow and orange acrylic paint. I used those colors because campfires are those colors, even though you don't see that in the photo. But plain paint was a little TOO bright, so I used some Dylusions spray ink. In black. And I was happy with the final results.Campfire-ish paper.
Then I used Crafter's Workshop flames stencil and a black Sharpie to trace them on watercolor paper. Then I used multi-colored Copics on each flame part. Cut them out and glue them down. Add a bit of orange Stickles...just for the glow and sparkle of a real fire.
You can see the sparkles here. Don't you think it really makes the flame look more flame like?
And here's a couple of photos of some cool signs I saw while out walking one morning. How to put them on a page? So I started by spraying chocolate Dylusions on water color paper using another Crafter's Workshop stencil. Let dry. Attach the photos and outline them with a brown marker.
The title are cut out using a Sizzix alphabet strip. The moose are punched out using an ancient moose punch I have in my studio. They are made using some Basic Grey graph designed paper.
See it better here.
That's my art for today. 
More to come some other time.
Another day.
Thanks for visiting and
have a great Wednesday-
hump day-
oh man, this week is going WAY TOO FAST!

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