Thursday, August 9, 2012

Summer Projects

Yesterday I managed to get my husband to rota- til a strip of the woods right next to the yard so I could move some of irises from my garden. I think I had an iris nursery going on-I bet I had a 5  by 5 foot plot just thick with plants that had spread themselves out from one original iris plant. Got about half of them moved...but it is definitely one good thing about having an unemployed husband.  Besides for me, summer vacation is isn't going to last forever and I still have a long list of things to do.
Like I'll get them all done-ha-ha!
Some more of my travel journal.
You can see how I used these 7Gyspies tags to make a bunch of my pages. On the left of the binder rings are 2 pages, but the bottom one is one I did when I got home. I stamped the trees, the saying and the summer word on the page. Then I added a cut out from a brochure I picked up. The arrow is a die cut I made and I also stamped the you are here on paper, cut out half the image and then added it.
You can see on the right side I also put tickets into my travel journals. I really try to describe the trip and include details I may want to know when I go to make a scrap journal with my photos or if I need to share info with someone later one.
Another tag page. I used a highway die cut, added a sticker, a chipboard sticker, some journaling....
This page was started before the trip, added to during the trip and finished after the trip.
And finally for today, one more tag page. I stamped the sign post, the stamped words before I left.  I filled in the signpost and added the small cut out map from a hiking map that shows 2 hikes we did one day.  The eagle is a solid brown sticker and since we saw an eagle on one of our hikes, I used a white pen and colored it in to make my eagle.
Enjoy your day!

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