Thursday, August 16, 2012

Travel Journaling

So on our vacation we drove a lot. As you can see, we drove around 1710 miles in 10 days. That's what this page is all about. Most of the word stickers are from October Afternoon. I die cut the traffic sign from a Quickutz/Lifestyle die.
How about this very cool envelope we got our room keys in. I added the little squirrel sticker. He just belonged there. It is a great spot to squirrel a few little trip memorabilia in.
I liked this Jasper sticker. And you can see underneath the back of one of the postcards I bought and used the back as a journaling spot.
Isn't that what postcards are for?
And a ticket put on one of those 7Gyspies tags. I added a stamped (Technique Tuesday) image as the sun came out as we were there and then I added the go BIG sticker which was something that I got from Old Navy-yes the clothing store- at some point.
So I can't believe it is Thursday already. Yesterday I was really bummed it cleared out and got sunny and that  I had to go work at the lake. I really wanted to go do some of the things I needed to do like go into my classroom and order the floor we want to put down in our bedroom. If the rain had continued, I could have run my errands. But instead the sun came out and I had to go to work-for 3 whole boats in 4 hours. Kind of a waste when you're life has been super busy and you need some time to do those things that have to get done. I guess just like my veggie garden, some things are going to have to be crossed off my list this summer. Like getting bedroom fixed up. And I am feeling a bit of a nagging little voice in my head that I need to get into school. So I was really bummed out but  then I kept telling myself it wasn't a bad day, and I was enjoying some sun at the lake. Pretty soon I will be back inside and tied up school all day. But some days what you really want just takes over what you should be happy for and leaves you down in the dumps. That was me yesterday.
Hopefully today will be better emotionally for me.
Thanks for listening.

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